Mari, tikamlah jantungku!

Pastikan detaknya tiada

S’bab sakit itu

Sayat lukalukaluka

S’tiap tarikan nafasku.

Enggan lagi ‘tuk rasa.

Hancur kini kedokku;

Cukup sudah purapura.

Bunuh aku…


April 18, 2010



“Before you can find yourself,
You have to lose yourself.”

True, yet is it a fair price?
“What doesn’t kill you,
Makes you stronger.”

True, yet is it worth the risk?
“You never know what you’ve got ‘till it’s gone;
You never know what you’re missing ‘till it arrives.”

True, yet dare I face and admit it?
“Love only gives and accepts,
Never takes and demands.”

True, yet dare I go through it?
Words well-spoken,
Tales well-told,
For people like me,
Who needs ordeals
To evoke the true self,
For the spirit within
Is forever unbreakable.

Imperial Hotel, Cork
April 7, 2010
10.15 pm


What does it take to break a man?
Take away his pride,
Strip him from his power,
Bleed his ardor out.

What does it take to break a woman?
Take away her freedom,
Strip her from her faith,
Bleed her love out.

Yet, how easy will it be?
To take away what’s not bought and sold,
To strip one from what one never wears,
To bleed out what is never in the blood.

You can try, Mylady Discordia…
But, it takes more than the Trojan War
To slash me up to an irrevocable wreck
For I shall fight to the last flicker of my soul.

Imperial Hotel, Cork
April 7, 2010
9.45 pm